Page:Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases (1894).djvu/544

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italics mark 550 put in ⁃ importance 642

itch titillation 380 desire 865

itching palm 819

item addition 37, 39 part 51 speciality 79

iteration 104

itinerant moving 266 traveller 268

itinerary journey 266 guide-book 527

itur ad astra, sic ⁃ 360

ivory 430

Ixion 312


jabber unmeaning 517 stammer 583 chatter 584

jacent 213

jacet, hic ⁃ 363

jacinth 847

jack rotation 312 ensign 550

Jack ⁃ Cade 742 ⁃ Ketch 975 ⁃ o’ lantern 423 ⁃ in office director 694 bully 887 ⁃ at a pinch 711 ⁃ Pudding actor 599 humorist 844 boaster 884 before one can say ‘⁃ Robinson’ 132 ⁃ tar 269 ⁃ of all trades 700

jack-a-dandy buffoon 844 fop 854

jackal provision 637 auxiliary 711

jackanapes fop 854 blusterer 887

Jackass 271

jack-boot 225

jackdaw in peacock’s feathers 701

jacket 225 cork ⁃ 666

Jacobin 710

Jacquerie attack 716 tumult 719

jacta est alea 601

jactitation tossing 315 boasting 884

jaculation 284

jade horse 271 fatigue 688 low woman 876 scamp 949 drab 962

jag 257

jagged 244

jail 752 ⁃ bird prisoner 754 bad man 949

jailer keeper 753 punisher 975

jakes 653

jalousie de métier 921

jam squeeze 43 pulp 354 sweet 396 ⁃ in interpose 228

jamb 215

jammed in restraint 751

jangle harsh sound 410 quarrel 713

janissary 726

janitor 263

janty gay 836 pretty 845 stylish 852 rash 863 showy 882 insolent 885

January 138

januis clausis 528

Janus deceiver 607 tergiversation 607 close the temple of ⁃ 723

Janus-faced 544

japan coat 223 resin 356a ornament 847

jar clash 24 vessel 191 agitation 315 stridor 410 discord 713 ⁃ upon the feelings 830

jargon absurdity 497 no meaning 517 unintelligible 519 neology 563

jaundiced yellow 436 prejudiced 481 dejected 837 jealous 920 view with ⁃ eyes disapprove 932

jaunt 266

jaunting car 272

jaunty [see janty]

javelin 727

jaw chatter 584 scold 932

jaw-fallen 837

jaws mouth 231 eating 298 ⁃ of death 360

jay 584

jealous of honour 939

jealousy 920 suspicion 485

jecur, difficili bile ⁃ 900

jeer flout 929 (joke 842) (banter 856)

Jehovah 976

Jehu traveller 268 director 694

jejune style 575 scanty 640

jelly 352 beat to a ⁃ 972

jemidar 745

jemmy lever 633 dandy 854

je ne sais quoi exceptional 83 what d’ye call ’em 563 beauty 845

jennet 271

jeopardy 665

jerboa 309

jeremiade lament 839 invective 932 (accusation 938)

Jericho, send to ⁃ 297

jerk start 146 throw 284 pull 285 agitate 315

jerkin 225

jerks, by ⁃ 70

Jerry Sneak coward 862 knave 941

jersey 225

Jessamy, Jemmy ⁃ 854

jesse 1000

jest trifle 643 wit 842

jest-book 842

jester 844

jesting-stock 857

Jesuit deceiver 548 priest 996

jesuitical sophistical 477 deceitful 544

Jesus 976

jet stream 348 ⁃ black 431

jetty projection 250 harbour 666

jeu le ⁃ ne vaut pas la chandelle waste 638 unimportant 643 ⁃ d’esprit 842 ⁃ de mots 842 ⁃ de théâtre 599

jeune ⁃ premier 599 ⁃ veuve 599

Jew cunning 702 rich 803 extortioner 819 heretic 984 worth a ⁃’s eye good 648 costly 814 ⁃’s harp 417

jewel gem 648 ornament 847 favourite 899

jewellery, false ⁃ 545

Jezebel wicked 913 wretch 949 courtesan 962

jib regression 283 cut of one’s ⁃ form 240 appearance 448