upset destroy 162
invert 218
throw down 308
defeat 731
excite 824
disconcert 874
upshot result 154 judgment 480 completion 729 (end 67)
upside down 218
upstairs 206
upstart prosperous 734 plebeian 876
upturn 210
upwards 206 ⁃ of more 33 plurality 100
Uranology 318
urban 189
urbane 894
urbis conditæ, anno ⁃ 106
urchin child 129 small 193 wretch 949 imp 980
urge violence 173 impel 276 incite 615 hasten 684 beg 765
urgent required 630 important 642 haste 684 request 765
urn vase 191 funereal 363 heater 386 cinerary ⁃ 363
usage custom 613 use 677 (rule 80)
usance 806
use habit 613 waste 638 utility 644 employ 677 property 780 make good ⁃ of 658 in ⁃ 677 be of ⁃ to aid 707 benevolence 906 ⁃ one’s discretion 600 ⁃ one’s endeavour 675 ⁃ a right 924 ⁃ up 677
used up deteriorated 659 fatigue 688 weary 841 satiated 869
used to 613
useful 644 render ⁃ 677
useless 645
user, right of ⁃ 780
usher receive 296 teacher 540 servant 746 courtesy 894 ⁃ in precedence 62 begin 66 precession 280 announce 511 ⁃ into the world 161
usque ad nauseam 841
ὕστερον πρότερον 59
ustulation 384
usual ordinary 82 customary 613
usufruct 677
usurer lender 787 merchant 797 credit 805 miser 819
usurious 819
usurp assume 739 seize 789 illegal 925 ⁃ authority 738
usurpation insolence 885
usury 806
utensil recipient 191 instrument 633
uti possidetis permanence 141 possession 777 retention 781
utilitarian 910
utility 644 general ⁃ actor 599
utilize 677
utmost 33 do one’s ⁃ 686 ⁃ height 210 in one’s ⁃ need 735 deserted in one’s ⁃ need 893
Utopia visionary 515 hopeful 858
utricle 191
utter extreme 31 distribute 73 disclose 529 publish 531 speak 580, 582 money 800
utterly completely 52
uttermost 31 to the ⁃ parts of the earth space 180 distance 196
uxorious 897
va sans dire, cela ⁃ certain 474 manifest 525
vacant void 4 absent 187 thoughtless 452 unmeaning 517 scanty 640 ⁃ hour 685 ⁃ mind folly 499
vacate displace 185 absent 187 depart 293 resign 757
vacation repose 687 (leisure 685)
vaccine 366
vache 191
vacillate changeable 149 undulate 314 waver 605
vacuity 187
vacuous unsubstantial 4 absent 187 (inexistent 2)
vacuum absence 187
vade mecum information 527 schoolbook 542
væ victis! war 722 threat 909
vagabond wanderer 268 low person 876 rogue 949
vagabondage 266
vagary absurdity 497 imagination 515 whim 608 antic 840
vagrant changeable 149 roving 266 traveller 268 deviating 279
vague uncertain 475 unreasoning 477 obscure 519 - language 571 ⁃ suggestion 514
vail panel 228 donation 784 reward 973 (expenditure 809)
vain unreal 2 unprofitable 645 unvalued 866 conceited 880 in ⁃ failure 732 labour in ⁃ come short 304 useless 645 fail 732 take a name in ⁃ 895 ⁃ attempt 732 use ⁃ efforts 645 ⁃ expectation 509
vainglorious haughty 878 vain 880 boasting 884
vaivode 745
valance 231
vale 252 ⁃ of years 128
valeat quantum 467
valediction adieu 293 courtesy 894
valentine 902
valet 746
valet ⁃ de chambre 746 ⁃ de place interpreter 524 guide 527
valetudinarian invalid 655 salubrity 656