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Page:Things Japanese (1905).djvu/559

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Posthumous names, 346-7; 226, 345.

Posts, 393; 183, 238, 300-1.

Potter's wheel, 33.

Pottery, 390; 28, 31, 33, 67, 81.

Prayers, 370, 395, 506.

Praying-wheel, 395.

Prefectures, 218; 210, 211.

Prehistoric pottery, 33.

Presbyterians, 329-30.

Presents, 160, 162, 310, 457.

Press-laws, 353.

Prices, 298-9; 124, 157.

Priestesses, 420.

Priests (Buddhist), 420-1; 48, 76, 79, 116, 122, 131, 156, 168, 198, 204, 245, 409, 456, 458, 462, 480.

Priests (Christian), 327-8; 322, 324, 424.

Priests (Shintō), 420; 86, 120, 169, 170, 204, 337, 371.

Prince of Wales, 451.

Princes (Imperial), 45, 395.

Printing, 396; 509.

Prison editors, 354.

Prisons, 280; 183, 269, 354.

Processions, 164, 197, 205, 267.

Prosody, 374.

Prostitution, 524; 390.

Protestant missions, 328; 133, 333, 335.

Proverbs, 399; 89, 271, 320, 383, 445, 525.

Provinces, 218; 210, 211.

Fryer (H.), 68, 529.

Psalmanazar (George), 186.

Pseudonyms 346; 51.

Public bathing, 60.

Pug-dogs, 400.

Punishments, 280, 339, 353-4, 446.

Puns, 197, 198.

Puppet emperors, 13, 232.

Pure Shintō, 421, 423.

Purification (by water or fire), 60, 170, 224, 311, 419.

Purification of temples, 422, 423, 483.


Quasi-Shintō sects, 422-3

Queues, 123, 238, 410.

Quin (J. J.), 274.


Rabbits, 157.

Race, 401; 250; 22, 28, 303.

Races (movements of), 22, 28, 401-2.

Radicals (in politics), 239; 94, 125. 135; 491, 493.

Radicals (of ideographs), 398, 514.

Radishes, 179, 222, 298.

Railways, 403; 115, 158, 183, 188, 238, 269, 381, 183, 188, 238, 498.

Rain, 96-100; 37, 124, 180.

Rainy season, 96, 477.

Ramma, 35.

Rank (official), 282.

Rathgen (Dr. K.), 72; 22.

Rats, 54.

Reaction, 239; 333; 26, 126, 158, 219, 354, 492, 493.

"Real Japan," 70, 183.

Rebellions, 238-9.

Red Cross, 434; 137, 292.

Red Cross Hospital, 137.

Redesdale (Lord), see Mitford.

Regalia, 420.

Regents, 233; 81, 234.

Reiheishi Kaidō, 411.

Rein (Dr. J.J.), 68; 22, 73, 74, 75, 76, 80, 211, 242, 274, 317, 360, 401, 430, 433, 448, 449, 455, 527, 528, 529.

Relics, 371.

Religion, 408; 76, 322, 418-9; 8, 23, 32, 86, 247, 253, 254, 256, 259, 275, 309, 316, 318, 365, 370, 457.

Religion (Aino), 23.

Religious Tract Societies, 331.

Remmon-kyō, 422.

Rennyo Shōnin, 381.

Reptiles, 527.

Republic set up, 237.

Restoration of Mikados, 237, and see Revolution.

"Résumé Statistique de l'Empire du Japon," 72, 390.

Revenue, 19.

Revival of learning, 235, 421, 397

Revival of pure Shintō, 421, 423.

Revolution (of 1868), 236-8; 8, 42, 66, 94, 95, 112, 131, 307, 349, 353, 422, 427, 464, 465, 483.

Revolving libraries, 396.

Rhyme, 3, 75, 292.

Rhys Davids, 79.

Rice, 20, 21, 22, 62, 160-2, 177-9, 180, 247, 268, 269, 306, 307, 416, 477-8, 486, 499.

Rice-beer, 415.

Rice-cakes, 160, 441.

Riess (Dr. L.), 431.

Rising Sun, 172, 173; 114, 472.

Ritter (Pastor H.), 335.

Rituals (Shintō), 2S8, 420; 39.

River (opening of), 162.

Rivers, 209; 81, 105, 162, 192, 404, 406,