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Page:Things Japanese (1905).djvu/561

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Shamisen, 340; 113, 341. 342, 344.

Shampooers, 316, 159.

Shari, 371,

Shaving, 93, 163.

Shell-heaps of Ōmori, 27-8.

Shiba, 35, 82, 83, 84, 90.

Shiba Kōkan, 512.

Shibata Zeshin, 274.

Shidachi (T.), 514.

Shigeno An-eki, 17, 243.

Shigenobu, 51.

Shijō school of painters, 50.

Shikoku (island of), 100, 208-9, 210, 211, et passim.

Shimada Saburō, 293, 352

Shimamura (Dr.), 119.

Shimazu family, 222.

Shimo-bashira, 417.

Shimoda opened, 364.

Shimonoseki affair, 2., 6.

Shinano-Hida mountains, 209.

Shin sect, 78, 79, 80.

Shingakusha, 288.

Shingon sect, 78, 79, 396.

Shinjū, 221.

Shinnō, 458.

Shintō, 418; 60, 77, 78, 79, 108, 120, 159, 163, 204, 220, 230, 235, 237, 247, 288, 296, 308, 340, 371, 408, 409, 471, 478, 482.

Shipping, 424; 348, 314.

Ships (names of), 314.

Shirane-san, 320; 209.

Shiro-zake, 161.

Shizoku, 95, 416.

Shōguns, 427; 232-7; 42, 46, 81, 82, 131, 153, 189, 196, 215, 222, 243, 266, 285, 348, 361, 393, 421, 424, 456, 497, 522.

Shōji, 35.

Shōji Jin-emon, 524.

Shōjō, 443.

Shōkonsha, 39, 82, 85, 448.

Shonzui, 391.

Shooting, 428.

"Shosei Katagi," 291.

Shōtoku (Empress), 396.

Shōtoku Taishi, 78, 372.

Shrines (branch), 370.

Shūbun, 49.

Shunten (King), 306.

Shushi, 103.

Siam, 16, 424.

Sidotti (Father), 326.

Siebold (P.F. von), 429; 73.

Signature, 283, 520.

Silent concerts, 340.

Silk, 431; 123, 136, 248, 478.

Silk (painted), 136, 432.

Silkworms, 527, 432; 180.

Silver, 212; 34, 102, 109, 158, 274, 317, 372, 373.

Simmons (Dr. D.B.), 22, 150, 284, 402, 403.

Simpson (Wm.), 396.

Singing-girls, 433; 86, 340, 343, 346, 381, 438, 457.

Sinico-Japanese, 515-6.

Six, 224.

"Sketches of Tōkyō Life," 69.

Sliding-doors, 35, 36, 40.

Small-pox, 362.

Smells (bad), 20, 83, 105.

Smith (Rev. A.H.), 264.

Smithsonian Institute, 512.

Smoking, 372, 480; 188.

Snakes, 527; 40.

Snow, 96-7; 55, 59, 99, 124, 443, 522, 526.

"Social Departure (A)," 70, 146.

Societies, 434; 56, 57, 133, 158, 369, 521.

Society, 435; 95, 104, 279, 432, 500.

Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 79, 104.

Society of Friends, 331.

Soga-no-Iname, 77.

Soldiers, 42, 94, 188, 241, 415.

Solfatara, 209.

Solstices, 160, 161.

Songs, 464, 46, 381, 440.

"Songs Ancient and Modern," 78, 294.

Sorcery, 85-6, 115, 122.

Soroban, 11.

Sosen, 50.

Sōshi, 135,

"Soul of the Far East," 66, 264.

Soup, 178, 179, 181, 272, 358.

Soy, 178-9, 297.

Spanish influence, 151, 153, 185, 234, 235, 324, 325, 342, 424, 488.

Sparrows, 54.

Spas, 319, 61.

Spears, 34.

"Spectator," 5, 257.

Speculations, 157, 158.

Spencer (Herbert), 365, 366.

Spies, 196.

Spinsters (rarity of), 313.

Spirits (beverage), 415.

Spirits (ghosts), 162.

Sponge-cake, 153.

Sponges, 528.

Sport, 428, 171; 126.

Sports, 25, 26, 126, 133, 146, 171, 384.

Stage (revolving), 465.

Stamps (postage), 394-5; 158.

Standard of living, 300.

Staples of food, 20, 21, 22.

Stars, 440; 156.

Statistics, 44, 60, 97, 132, 133, 184, 251, 269, 297-9, 313-4, 327-32, 335, 351, 371, 390, 394, 404, 405, 432, 488, 525.

Statues, 83, 84, 85, 117, 158, and see Carving.