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Page:Things Seen In Holland (1912).djvu/127

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The Queen and Her People

of which she had hauled him. A blow on the left side of the head steered the reveller to the right, and vice versa.

There remains but to tell a pretty story in which klompen play a part. After Queen Wilhelmina had retired for the night on the day she had taken hold of the reins of Government, a notice was issued requesting the good citizens to go home quietly, and not to disturb their Sovereign's slumbers with shouts doubtlessly loyally meant. Two devotees of Bacchus who were passing by the Palace disregarded this request, to which their attention was called by some less noisy citizens, whereupon the loyalists considerately and gallantly kicked off their klompen, and zigzagged their way home in their stocking-feet.

The mode of wearing the hair calls for a passing remark. Generally speaking, it is