jar, to extinguish the flame, she permitted the damejane to fall on the ground, and, sprinkled as she was with the burning spirits, she fell a victim to the flames. Some time afterwards, she was found in the dark room, in a fainting state, amidst the ashes of her clothes.
From Tripoli I went, by order, to Akar, in the mountains, to attend the Prince Ali Essat, who, together with his numerous family (wife, brother, children, and slaves ) were infected with the venereal disease, which, although appearing under different forms and complications, may be ranged in the class of syphilis secundaria. At that time I knew no better remedy for that complaint than corrosive sublimate combined with salmiac, accompanied by decoctions of sarsa- parilla, china-root, gujac wood, &c.
Whilst I was at Akar, it was reported that Abdula, Pasha of Acre, had commenced war against the Pasha of Damascus, in consequence of a dispute, and that he had sent troops, the greater part of them Christians ( Maronites from the Lebanon) and Druses, under the command of Emir Beshir, towards the holy city of Damascus ( Bab-ul-Kaba, or entrance to the Sanctuary of Mecca and that the inhabitants of Damascus had been defeated. The Sultan despatched immediately five pashas to Acre, in order to bring the heads of Abdula Pasha, of Emir Beshir, and of the new governor at Tripoli, the above-mentioned Barber, for having taken part in the war, by sending his own troops to join the main army. Ali Essat Bek took advantage of the moment, having his partisans at Tripoli; he came down from Akar, blockaded and bombarded that town, and forced it to capitulate. Meanwhile,Barber betook himself to the citadel, in which he surrendered under certain conditions. The five pashas arrived so suddenly, that Emir Beshir had only time to escape, and embark between Seida and Berout, in a French vessel, which conveyed him to Egypt, where, by the interference of Mahomet AH Pasha, he obtained from the Sultan his own pardon and that of Barber and his superior, Abdula Pasha, which, by the by, cost each of them an immense sum of gold. At London