assembly at Calcutta, July 2nd, 1831, and published. I take the liberty to introduce an extract :—
"Dr. Honigberger's object, in the treatment of hydrophobia, is to keep up a copious suppuration from the part bitten by the rabid animal,which he accomplishes, at first, by applying the actual cautery, and afterwards by using stimulants to the wound. He also administers a compound of mercury and extract of tobacco, in pills,until they produce a flow of urine ; and at the same time he recommends tincture of cantharides in an emulsion of bitter-almond to be repeatedly given, until a slight degree of dysuria is excited. Various other remedies and local applications are also spoken of as useful in hydrophobia. It does not appear that any other person has yet made trial of some of the remedies proposed by Dr. Honigberger,"
This was my treatment twenty years ago, when I practised Alloeopathy ; but, since that period, I have made many interesting trials and experiments.
A short time after the publication of the above-mentioned method, I had a case where I tried, as a preventive, the endermic application, i. e, I applied on the somewhat enlarged bitten part some extract of nux vomica, upon which the patient passed an unquiet night, dreaming of dogs running after him. I thought it a bad omen, and regarded it as a symptom of the approach of hydrophobia ; and I did not rely on the local application only, but gave him also, internally, a pill of the same remedy ( extractum nuc. vomic. ) one grain, mixed with three grains of carbonate of soda ; to which he considered he owed his recovery, as it caused an evacuation.
I introduced to our distinguished guests. Col. Wade and Dr. Murray, an Akalee or Nahung, whose nose, ears and hands had been cut off by order of Runjeet Sing ( he had even deserved the gallows ), and whose nose had been so well restored in the mountains that we were all surprised, and confessed it could not have been better done in Europe. As we know, from history, this operation was even in the remotest antiquity, practised by the Hindoos ; and they