Page:Thomas Patrick Hughes - Notes on Muhammadanism - 2ed. (1877).djvu/43

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the possession of Abú-Bakr, until God caused him to die; after which Omar had them in his life-time; after that, they remained with his daughter, Hafsah; after that, Osmán compiled them into one book.'

"Anas-ibn-Málik relates:—'Huzaifah came to Osmán, and he had fought with the people of Syria in the conquest of Armenia; and had fought in Azurbaiján, with the people of Irák, and he was shocked at the different ways of people reading the Qurán. And Huzaifah said to Osmán, “O Osmán, assist this people, before they differ in the Book of God, just as the Jews and Christians differ in their books." Then Osmán sent a person to Hafsah, ordering her to send those portions which she had, and saying, "I shall have a number of copies of them taken, and will then return them to you." And Hafsah sent the portions to Osmán, and Osmán ordered Zaid-ibn-Sábit, Ansárí, and Abdullah-bin-Zubair, and Said-ibn-Alnas, and Abdulláh-ibn-ul-Háris-bin-Hishám; and these were all of the Quraish tribe, except Zaid-ibn-Sábit and Osmán. And he said to the three Quraishites, "When you and Zaid-ibn-Sábit differ