Page:Thompson Motif-Index 2nd 1.djvu/105

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A. Mythological Motifs
A189.1.1. Man as helper of thundergod. Lithuanian, Latvian, Livonian, Estonian, Ukrainian, Polish, and Rumanian: *Balys Tautosakos Darbai VI 53—83, 107f.; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. *1147A; Prussian: Plenzat 60.
A162.3. Thundergod pursues and slays the devil. G303.10. Allies and possessions of the devil. G303.25.7. Man shoots the devil with a silver gun.
A189.2. God summoned by weeping. India: Thompson-Balys.
E361. Return from the dead to stop weeping. E381. Ghost summoned by weeping.
A189.3. Man cheats a god in throwing dice. India: Thompson-Balys.
A189.4. God jealous of a mortal. India: Thompson-Balys.
A189.5. Goddess' throne shakes when some mischance befalls her faithful worshipper. India: Thompson-Balys.
A189.6. Deity appears before human being after prayers. India: Thompson-Balys.
A189.7. Deity ascertains destiny of newborn babe and inscribes it upon his forehead. India: Thompson-Balys.
N121. Fate decided before birth.
A189.8. Accountants of god keep lists of good and bad acts of human beings. India: Thompson-Balys.
A189.9. Early period when gods and men lived together, gods ruling men, ordaining how they should live and originating various customs. — India: Thompson-Balys.
A189.10. Goddesses come down to earth by a silken thread, are offended by raja and produce drought. India: Thompson-Balys.
F37. God visits earth. K1811. Gods (saints) in disguise visit mortals.
A189.11. Mortal adopted son by god. India: Thompson-Balys.
A189.12. Goddess protects animals from hunters. India: Thompson-Balys.
A189.13. Gods forced by mortals to take refuge underground. Irish myth: Cross (A183.1.).
A151.1.1. Home of gods inside of hill.
A189.14. God's enemies. Jewish: Neuman.
A189.15. God as fructifier of mankind and the earth. Jewish: Neuman.
A189.16. Gods give divinity to mortal. Tahiti: Henry 231.
A189.17. Night the period of gods, day the period of mankind. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 14.
A190. Gods: miscellaneous motifs.
A191. Goddess rejuvenates self when old. Navaho: Alexander N. Am. 164.
A153.4. Magic food rejuvenates the gods. A474.1. Goddess of youth. D1881. Magic self-rejuvenation.
A191.1. Great age of the gods. Irish myth: Cross.
A154.1. Magic drink gives immortality to gods. A564. Remarkable longevity of culture heroes. D1345. Magic object gives longevity. D1857. Magic longevity. F172. No time, no birth, no death in otherworld. F251.5. Fairies as sprites who have been given immortality. F531.6.4. Age of giants. F571. Extremely old person. V229.2.12. Extraordinary longevity of saints.