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"I know not," she said; "but if it should so chance, then thou wilt consent?"

"I consent even to this," he said; "but it can never be."

Tears stood in his eyes; and Daphne said quickly—

"But if, as my heart tells me is more probable, I yield to thy love, and thy will becomes my will, then thou wilt, first of all, wed me according to the custom of the Greeks?"

"That will I do most joyfully," he said. "I will prepare to return with thee as speedily as possible." And again he wished to embrace her.

"Nay," she said. "Thou shalt not touch my finger again until we return to Greece; and first of all, there is much that I must learn of thee and thy people."

"Ask, and I will answer," he said.

"But," she replied, "I know not what to ask. Teach me from the beginning. Thy city