was Abroad; and the most inconsistent Productions were greedily swallowed, provided only they disgraced Christianity.
The Avidity with which these Compositions were received, soon emboldened a succeeding Writer, to make a formal Attack on the Religion of his Country: Christianity as old as the Creation now appeared: In which the Gospel was grosly misrepresented, insulted, and disgraced; and in Compliance with the ruling Malady of the Times, that poor and sickly Creature, "unassisted Human Reason," was vainly exalted to the Throne of Eternal Truth!
Other inferior Workmen in this patriot Amusement of blowing up the Religion of their Country, such as Woolston, and Morgan, I pass unnoticed.
In a succeeding Period, and down to the present Time, the Evil hath increased, and been compleated. For now, not only revealed but natural Religion hath been publicly attacked, in the Writings