dissent on Motives of Licentiousness and Faction.
Should it be objected, that he hath attacked even private Characters, in the Way of indirect Description: This Accusation would be equally ill-founded. For all personal Peculiarities are avoided, save only the single Facts alluded to, as the Proofs of his Allegations: These were essentially necessary for the Support of the Argument; and relate not to private Life, but to public and political Conduct.
Should it be objected, that he hath indirectly censured Those, whose Conduct he had formerly applauded: He replies, that he never was attached to Men, but Measures.
Should it be objected, that some of these characteristic Marks may seem to involve Men of good Morals in private Life: He would reply, that the Affections of good Men in private Life may not always extend to the Public.