presented as a natural Society of Angels; by others, as a Crew of Devils. Both these Representations have arisen from a partial View of Mandkind: One Party regarding his social Qualities only; the other overlooking These, and fixing on the Appetites which are commonly called the selfish.
Were Mankind of the first of these Characters, they would need no Law: Were they of the latter, no Law could unite or bind them. The Truth is, they are a Mixture of Both. As they have the several Modes of Self-Love, for the Preservation of the Individual; so, by proper Culture, they gain Habits of Benevolence, Religion, social Prudence, the Love of honest Reputation, and sometimes even a Regard for the general Welfare of the Society to which they belong. As these social Passions and Regards are strong or weak, frequent or uncommon; the Character of a Nation is good or bad, honest or corrupt, upright or profligate.