ciples, are apt to trust to the native Force of Truth: The Patrons of Falsehood are conscious of a Defect here; and therefore endeavour to supply it by a misapply'd Diligence and Cunning.
One Mark of Licentiousness and Faction is peculiarly applicable to these Clamours from the Metropolis: If they are fraught with personal Calumny, and attack private Characters, they assuredly come from the Enemies of Virtue and Freedom.
All These, therefore, a sensible and honest People will learn to suspect and deride. This Foundation once laid, they will not be far from a general Union against the hidden Designs of Licentiousness and Faction.
In Conclusion, therefore, let the Honest among every Rank and Party recollect; that their first and highest Obligations are to God, their King, and Country. That every subordinate Connexion ought to yield to These: That true Honour can never be at Variance with the Laws of Religion and