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Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/123

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bound up in some part of ones garment with a red thread, shall presently allay the headach; and that any Hearb gathered out of the brooks or rivers before Sun rising, and no body see him that gathers it, shall cure the Tertian, if it be bound to the left arm, the sick party not knowing what is done. But amongst places that are appropriated to the Stars, all stinking places, dark, underground, religious, and monrnfull places, as Church-yards, tombes, and houses not inhabited by men, and old, tottering, obscure, dreadfull houses, and solitary dens, caves, and pits, also fish-ponds, standing pools, fennes, and such like are appropriated to Saturne. Unto Jupiter are ascribed all privileged places, Consistories of noble men, Tribunals, Chaires, places for Exercises, Schools, and all beautifull, and clean places, scattered, or sprinkled with divers odours. To Mars, fiery, and bloody places, furnaces, bake-houses, shambles, places of execution, and places where there have been great battailes fought, and slaughters made, and the like. To the Sun, light places, the Serene Aire, Kings Pallaces, and Princes Courts, Pulpits, Theators, Thrones, and all kingly, and Magnificent places. To Venus, pleasant fountains, green Meadows, flowrishing Gardens, garnished beds, stews (and according to Orpheus) the sea, the sea shore, baths, dancing-places, and all places belonging to women. To Mercury, shops, schools, ware-houses, Exchange for Merchants, and the like. To the Moon, wildernesses, woods, rocks, hils, mountains, forrests, fountains, waters, rivers, seas, sea-shores, ships, groves, high-waies, and granaries for Corn, and such like. Upon this account they that endeavor to procure love, are wont to bury for a certain time the instruments of their art, whether they be rings, images, looking-glasses, or any other, or hide them in a stew house, because in that place they will contract some venerall faculty, no otherwise then things that stand in stinking places, become stinking, and those in an Aromaticall place, become Aromaticall, and of a sweet savour. The four corners of the Earth also pertain to this matter. Hence they that are to gather a Saturnall, Martiall, or Joviall Hearb, must look towards the East, or South, partly because