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Of Occult Philoſophy.
Book I.

battle, dyed ſuddenly. Now what ſadneſs can do, is known to all. We know that Dogs oftentimes dye with ſadneſs for the death of their maſters. Sometimes alſo by reaſon of theſe like Paſſions, long diſeaſes follow, and are ſometimes cured. So alſo ſome men looking from an high place, by reaſon of great fear, tremble, are dim-ſighted, and weakened, and ſometimes looſe their ſenſes. So fears, and falling-ſickness, ſometimes ſollow ſobbing. Sometimes wonderfull eſſects are produced, as in the ſon of Craſus, whom his mother brought forth dumb, yet a vehement fear, and ardent affection made him ſpeak, which naturally he could never do. So with a ſuddain fall oſtentimes liſe, ſenſe, motion on a ſuddain leave the members, and preſently again are ſometimes returned. And how much vehement anger, joyned with great audacity, can do, Alexander the great ſhews, who being circumvented with a battle in India, was ſeen to ſend forth from himſelf lightening and fire. The Father of Theodoricus is ſaid to have ſent forth out of his body, ſparks of fire; ſo that ſparkling flames did leap out with a noyſe. And ſuch like things ſometimes appear in beaſts, as in Tiberius his horſe, which is ſaid to ſend forth a flame out of his mouth.


How the Paſſions of the mind change the body by way of imitation from ſome resemblance; Alſo of the transforming, and tranſlating of men, and what force the imaginative power hath not only over the body, but the ſoul.

THe foreſaid Paſſions ſometimes alter the body by way of imitation, by reaſon of the vertue which the liknels of the thing hath to change it, which power the vehement imagination moves, as in ſetting the teeth on edge at the ſight or hearing of ſomething, or becauſe we ſee or imagine another to eat Charp or ſoure things: So he which ſees another gape, gapes alſo; and ſome when they hear any one name ſoure things, their tongue waxeth tart. Alſo the ſeeing of any filthy thing
