Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/18

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theſe things at Herbipolis, your tranſcending knowledge, and learning, and your ardent adhortation put courage, and boldneſs into me. There ſelecting the opinions of Philoſophers of known credit, and purging the introduction of the wicked (who diſſemblingly, with a counterfeited knowledge did teach, that traditions of Magicians muſt be learned from very reprobate books of darkneſs, as from inſtitutions of wonderfull operations) and removing all darkneſs, have at laſt compoſed three compendious books of Magick, and titled them Of Occult Philoſophy, being a title leſs offenſive, which books I ſubmit (you excelling in the knowledge of theſe things) to your correction and cenſure, that if I have wrote any thing which may tend either to the contumely of nature, offending God, or injury of Religion, you may condemn the error; but if the ſcandal of impiety be diſſolved and purged, you may defend the tradition of truth; and that you would do ſo with theſe books, and Magick it ſelf, that nothing may be concealed which may be profitable, and nothing approved of which cannot but do hurt, by which means theſe three books having paſſed your examination with approbation, may at length be thought worthy to come forth with good ſucceſs in publike, and may not be afraid to come under the cenſure of poſterity.

Farewell, and pardon theſe my bold undertakings.
