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Of Occult Philosophy.
Book I.

activity, as they are ſignifying, but as they are certain naturall things in themſelves. Now if there be any originall, whoſe words have a naturall ſignification, it is manifeſt that this is the Hebrew, the order of which he that ſhall profoundly, and radically obſerve, and ſhall know to reſolve proportionably the letters thereof, ſhall have a rule exactly to find out any Idiome. There are therefore two and twenty Letters, which are the foundation of the world, and of creatures that are, and are named in it, and every ſaying, and every creature are of them, and by their revolutions receive their Name, Being, and Vertue.

He therefore that will find them out, muſt by each joyning together of the Letters ſo long examine them, untill the voice of God is manifeſt, and the framing of the moſt ſacred letters be opened, and diſcovered. For hence voices, and words have efficacy in Magicall works: becauſe that in which nature firſt exerciſeth Magicall efficacy, is the voice of God. But theſe are of more deep ſpeculation, then to be handled in this book. But to return to the diviſion of the Letters. Of theſe, amongſt the Hebrews, are three mothers, viz. א ו י‬; ſeven double, viz. ב ג ד כ פ ר ת. The other 12, viz. ה ז ח ט ל מ נ ס ע צ ק ש are ſimple. The ſame rule is amongſt the Chaldeans; And by the imitation of theſe also the letters of other tongues are diſtributed to Signs, Planets, and Elements, after their order. For the Vowels in the Greek tongue, viz. Α Ε Η Ι Ο Υ Ω anſwer to the ſeven Planets. Β Γ Δ Ζ Κ Λ Μ Ν Π Ρ Σ Τ are attributed to the twelve Signs of the Zodiack, the other five Θ Ξ Φ Χ Ψ repreſent the four Elements, and the ſpirit of the world. Amongſt the Latine there is the ſame ſignification of them. For the five Vowels A E I O U, and J and V Conſonants are aſcribed to the ſeven Planets; and the Conſonants B C D F G L M N P R S T are anſwerable to the twelve Signs. The reſt, viz. K Q X Z make four Elements. H the aſpiration repreſents the Spirit of the World. Y becauſe it is a Greek, and not a Latine Character, and ſerving only to Greek words, follows the nature of its Idiome.

But this you muſt not be ignorant of, that it is obſerved by
