ours, have root, and foundation in them: yet nevertheleſs without naturall vertues, of Mathematicall Doctrines only works like to naturals can be produced, as Plato ſaith, a thing not partaking of truth or divinity, but certain Images kin to them, as bodies going, or ſpeaking, which yet want the Animall faculty, such as were those which amongſt the Ancients were called Dedalus his Images, and αυτόματα, of which Ariſtotle makes mention, viz. the threefooted Images of Vulcan, and Dedalus, moving themſelves, which Homer ſaith came out of their own accord to exerciſe, and which we read, moved themſelves at the feaſt of Hiarba the Philoſophicall Exerciſer: As alſo that golden Statues performed the offices of Cup bearers, and Carvers to the guests. Alſo we read of the Statues of Mercury, which did ſpeak, and the wooden Dove of Arthita, which did fly, and the miracles of Boethius, which Caſſiodorus made mention of, viz. Diomedes in Braſs, sounding a Trumpet, and a brazen Snake hiſſing, and pictures of birds ſinging moſt ſweetly. Of this kind are thoſe miracles of Images which proceed from Geometry, and Opticks, of which we made ſome mention in the first book, where we ſpoke of the Element of Aire, So there are made gla{{ls}ſes, ſome Concave, others of the form of a Columne, making the repreſentations of things in the Aire seem like ſhadows at a diſtance: of which ſort Apollonius, and Vitellius in their Books De Perſpectiva, and Speculis, taught the making, and the uſe. And we read that Magnus Pompeius brought a certain glaſs amongſt the ſpoils from the Eaſt, to Rome, in which were ſeen Armies of Armed men. And there are made certain tranſparent glaſſes, which being dipped in some certain juices of Hearbs, and irradiated with an artificiall light, fill the whole Aire round about with viſions. And I know how to make reciprocall glaſſes, in which the Sun ſhining, all things which were illustrated by the raies thereof are apparently ſeen many miles off. Hence a Magician, expert in naturall Philoſophy, and Mathematicks, and knowing the middle ſciences consisting of both these, Arithmatick, Muſick, Geometry, Opticks, Aſtronomie, and ſuch ſciences that are of weights, meaſures, proportions, articles,
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