Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/24

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ty of your greatneſs come into knowledge, envy being chaſed away by the power of your worthineſs, there remain the memory of them to me, as the fruit of a good conſcience, ſeeing many things in them ſeemed to me, being older, as moſt profitable, ſo moſt neceſſary to be known. You have therefore the work, not only of my youth, but of my preſent Age, for I have corrected many Errataes of the work of my youth, I have inſerted many things in many places, and have added many things to many Chapters, which may eaſily be perceived by the inequality of the ſtile; and ſo ſhall you know that I ſhall all my life be devoted to your pleaſure. Farewell moſt happy Prince of happy Colonia.

From Mechlinia, Anno M.D.XXXI. In the moneth of January.