fourty hours dead in the Sepulchre, the fourtieth day after his resurrection he ascended into heaven, all which Divines say, were not done without some occult property, and mysterie of this number. The number fifty signifies remission of sins, of servitudes, and also liberty. According in the Law, on the fiftieth year they did remit debts, and every one did return to his own possessions. Hence by the yeer of Jubilee, and by the Psalm of repentance it shews a sign of indulgency, and repentance. The law also, and the holy Ghost are declared in the same: For the fiftieth day after Israels going forth out of Egypt, the Law was given to Moses in mount Sinai: The fiftieth day after the resurrection, the holy Ghost came down upon the Apostles in mount Sion; Whence also it is called the number of grace, and attributed to the Holy Ghost. The number sixty, was holy to the Egyptians, for it is proper to the Crocodile, that as she in sixty dayes brings forth sixty eggs, and so many dayes sits on them, so she is said also to live so many yeers, and to have so many teeth: and so many dayes every yeer to rest solitary without any meat. The number seventy hath also its mysteries, for so many yeers the fire of the sacrifice in the Babylonian Captivity lay under the water, and was alive: so many yeers Jeremiah foretold the destruction of the Temple, and so many yeers the Babylonian Captivity endured, and in so many yeers the desolation of Jerusalem was finished. Also there were seventy Palms in the place where the children of Israel pitched their Tents. The Fathers went down to Egypt with seventy souls. Also seventy Kings with their fingers, and toes cut off did gather meat under the table of Adonibezeck seventy sons came forth of the loins of Joas, seventy men, all sons of Jero, seventy weights of silver were given to Abimelech, and so many men Abimelech slew upon one stone: Abdon had seventy sons, and Nephews, who rod upon seventy Foals of Asses; Solomon had seventy thousand men which carried burdens. Seventy sons of King Ahab were beheaded in Samaria; seventy yeers, according to the Psalmist, are the Age of man. Lamech shall be avenged seventy seven fold; Thou shalt forgive thy brother if he offend against thee, seventy seven times. Also the number <