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Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/352

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What's he far off grac'd with the Olive bough
Presenting offerings? how white chin we know,
Roman King, whose laws first setled Rome,
And from small Curets a poor soyl shall come
To great command

Be which Verses he did not in vain become to have hopes of enjoying the Empire. Also amongst Hebrews, and even amongst us Christians (some Divines not dispproving of it) Lots are taken out of Verses of Psalms. There are also more, & other kindes of Lots, as are humane Lots, which had no Divination in them amongst the Ancients, and are observed by as in choosing of Magistrates, to prevent envy, of which also Cicero against Verres makes mention: but they are not of our purpose: But those which are divine, and sacred Lots, respecting Oracles, and Religion, of which we shall discourse in the following Book: Onely thus far I would advise you, that how much presaging, divining or Southsaying soever Lots are found to have, they have them not as they are Lots, but by reason of a vertue of a higher operation joyned to them.

Chap. lv. Of the soul of the World, and of the Celestials, according to the traditions of the Poets, and Philosophers. It is necessity that the heaven and Celestial bodies, seeing they have a power, influence, and manifest operation upon these inferiors, should be animated: seeing an operition cannot proceed from a meer body. All famous Poets, and Philosophers affirm therefore that the world and all Celestiall bodies must have a soul, and that also intelligent: Hence Marcus Mavillius in his Astronomy to Augustus, sings,