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Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/359

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Chap. lix. Of the seven governers of the world, the Planets, and of their various names serving to Magicall speeches.

Moreover they did call those governors of the world, (as Hermes calls them) Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon, by many names, and epithites; viz. calling Saturn Coelius, sithe-bearer, the father of the Gods, the Lord of the time, the high Lord, the great, the wise, the intelligent, ingenious revolutor, of a long space, an old man of great profundity, the author of secret contemplation, impressing, or depressing great thoughts in the hearts of men, destroying and preserving all things, overturning force and power, and constituting, a keeper of secret things, and a shewer of them, causing the loss, and finding of the author of life and death. So Jupiter is called as it were a helping Father, the King of heaven, Magnanimous, thundering, lightning, unconquered, high and mighty, great and mighty, good, fortunate, sweet, mild, of good will, honest, pure, walking well, and in honour, the Lord of joy and of judgements, wise, true, the shewer of truth, the judge of all things, excelling all in goodness, the Lord of riches, and wisdome. Mars is called Mavors, powerfull in war, bloody, powerfull in arms, a sword-bearer, magnanimous, bold, untamed, generous, lightning, of great power and furious hast, against whom none can defend himself if he resist him, who destroyes the strong, and powerfull, and deposeth Kings from their thrones, the Lord of heat and power, the Lord of fiery heat, and of the planet of blood; who inflames the hearts of contenders, and gives them boldness. The Sun is called Phæbus, Diespiter, Apollo, Titan, Pean Phanes, Horus, Osiris, as it is in that Oracle,

The Sun, Osyris, Dionysus gay,
Apollo, Horus, King ruling the day