converts our mind into the Divine beauty, preserves us also in all our works, gives us Events according to our wishes, administreth power to our supplications: as we read in Homer, Apollo heard Chrysons prayers because he was his very great friend: and some read of Mary Magdalene in the Gospell, many sins were forgiven her, because she loved much; But hope immoveably hanging on those things it desireth, when it is certain and not wavering, nourisheth the mind and perfecteth it; But Faith the superior vertue of all not grounded on humane fictions, but Divine revelations wholly, peirceth all things through the whole world, for seeing it descends from above from the first light, and remains neerest to it, is far more noble and excellent than the arts, sciences and beliefes arising from inferior things: this being darted into our intellect by reflexion from the first light. To conclude, by faith man is made somewhat the same with the superior powers and enjoyeth the same power with them: Hence Proclus saith. As belief which is a credulity, is below science: so belief which is a true faith, is supersubstantially above all science and understanding conjoyning us immediately to God; for Faith is the root of all miracles, by which alone (as the Platonists testifie) we approach to God, and obtain the Divine power and protection. So we read that Daniel escaped the mouths of the Lyons, because he believed on his God. So to the woman with the bloody issue saith Christ, thy Faith hath made thee whole; and of the blind man desiring sight, he required faith, saying, Do ye believe, that I can open your eyes? so Pallas in Homer comforteth Achilles with these words, I am come to pacifie your wrath, if you will believe. Therefore Linus the Poet sings all things are to be beleeved, because all things are easie to God; nothing is impossible to him, therefore nothing incredible; therefore we believing those things which belong to Religion, do obtain the vertue of them; but when we shall faile in our Faith, we shall do nothing worthy admiration, but of punishment; As we have an example of this in Luke, in these words, Therefore certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call, over them which had
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