whom, as Pliny saith, Fraile and weak mortality hath digested unto more, being mindfull of his one frailty, that every man might worship that portion which he especially wanteth; so those who had need of faith invocated Jupiter; they that wanted providence, Apollo; wisdom, Minerva; and so as they wanted other things, they invocated other powers. Hence arose that great variety of Dieties, by reason of the many and diverse distribution of graces; but God is one, from whom all things. Therefore Apuleius in his book De mundo to Faustin saith, Whereas there is but one God and one power, yet he is named by diverse names, for the multitude of species, by whose variety he is made of many shapes; and Marcus Varro in his book of the worship of God, saith, As all souls are reduced to the one soul of the world or universe, so are all the gods referred to Jupiter, who is the same God, worshipped under diverse names. Therefore it is meet to know the sensible proprieties, and perfectly to intellectualize them by the way of more secret Analogy; whosoever understandeth truly the Hymnes of Orpheus and the old Magicians, shall find that they differ not from the Cabalisticall secrets and Orthodox traditions; for whom Orpheus cals Curets and unpolluted gods, Dionysius names Powers; the Cabalists appropriate them to the numeration Pahad, that is to the Divine fear: so that which is EnSoph in the Cabala, Orpheus calleth Might; and Typhon is the same with Orpheus, as Zamael in the Cabala; but the Mecubales of the Hebrews, the most learned in Divine things, have received the ten principal names of God, as certain Divine powers, or as it were members of God, which by ten numerations which they call Sephiroth as it were vestiments, Instruments or examplars of the Archetype, have an influence on all things created, through the high things, even to the lowest, yet by a certain order; for first and immediately they have influence on the nine orders of Angels, and quire of blessed souls, and by them into the Celestiall Spheres, Planets and men, by the which Sephiroth every thing then receiveth power and vertue; The first of these is the name Eheia, the name of the Divine Essence; his numeration is called Cether, which is interpreted a
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