text of Exodus, derive seventy-two names, both of the Angels and of God, which they call the name of seventy two letters, and Schemhamphores, that is, the expository; but others proceeding further, out of all places of the Scripture do infer so many names of God as the number of those names is: but what they signifie is altogether unknown to us: From these therefore, besides those which we have reckoned up before, is the name of the Divine Essence, Eheia (Hebrew characters), which Plato translates ὦν, from hence they call God τὸ ὂν, others ὁ ὂν that is the being. Hu (
Hebrew characters) is another name revealed to Esay, signifying the Abysse of the Godhead, which the Greeks translate TAUTON , the Latins, himself the same. Esch (
Hebrew characters) is another name received from Moses which soundeth Fire, and the name of God Na (
Hebrew characters) is to be invocated in perturbations and troubles. There is also the name Iah (
Hebrew characters) and the name Elion (
Hebrew characters) and the name Macom (
Hebrew characters) , the name Caphu (
Hebrew characters) , the name Innon (
Hebrew characters) & the name Emeth (
Hebrew characters) which is interpreted Truth, and is the seal of God; and there are two other names Zur (
Hebrew characters) and Aben (
Hebrew characters) both of them signifie a solid work, and one of them express the Father with the Son; and many more names have we placed above in the scale of numbers; and many names of God and the Angels are extracted out of the holy Scriptures by the Cabalisticall calculation, Notarian and Gimetrian arts, where many words retracted by certain of their letters make up one name, or one name dispersed by each of its letters signifieth or rendreth more. Somtimes they are gathered from the heads of words, as the name Agla (
Hebrew characters) from this verse of the Holy Scripture
that is the mighty God for ever; in like manner the name Iaia (Hebrew characters) from this verse
that is God our God is one God; in like manner the name Iava (Hebrew characters) from this verse
that is let there be light, & there was light; in like maner the name Ararita (Hebrew characters) from this verse
that is one principle of his unity, one beginning of his Individuality his vicissitude