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Chapter xxi. Of obeying a proper Genius, and of the searching out the nature thereof.
As every Region in the Celestials hath a certain Star, and Celestiall image which hath influence upon it before others: so also in supercelestials doth it obtain a certain Intelligence set over it, and guarding it, with infinite other ministring spirits of its order, all which are called by a common name, the Sons of Elohim Sabaoth (Hebrew characters) i.e. Sons of the God of hosts. Hence as often as the most high doth deliberate of War, or slaughter, or the desolation of any Kingdom, or subduing of any people in these inferiours, then no otherwise, when these shall come upon the earth, there proceeds a conflict of these spirits above, as it is written in Isaiah, The Lord of Hosts shall visit the Army of the high, in the heavens; and the Kings of the earth, in the earth; of which conflicts of spirits and presidents, we read also in Daniel, viz. of the Prince of the Kingdom of the Persians, of the Prince of the Grecians, of the Prince of the peoplc of Israel; and of their conflict amongst themselves, of which also Homer seemed formerly to be sensible of, when he sang,
Great was the rumour in the Court above
When that the gods War mutually did move:
When Phoebus did to Neptune battle give,
Pallas with Mars the god of War did strive,
Diana did withstand in hostile way
Juno, and Latona did for to slay
Mercury attempt. -----
Nevertheless seeing there he in every region spirits of all sorts, yet they are more powerfull there which are of the same order with the president of that region. So in the Solary region, the Solary spirits are most potent; in the Lunary, Lunary, and so of the rest.