but a woman. These things therefore which are done according to appearance only, are called jugglers.
But those things which are done by the Art of transmuting, or translating, as of Nebuchadnezar, or of Corn carryed to another field, we have spoke of before; but of this art of juggling, thus saith Iamblicus, These things which are supposed to be juggled or bewitched, besides imagination, have no truth of action or essence. The end of these is but to hold forth things to the imagination according to appearance, of which there presently remains no footsteps or signs. Now by what hath been said, it is manifest that Magick is nothing else but a collection of Idolatry, Astrology, and superstitious medicines; And now there is by Magicians raised a great company of hereticks in the Church, who as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, do in the like manner resist the Apostolicall truth. The chief of these was Simon the Samaritan, on whom by reason of this art was bestowed at Rome in Claudius Caesars time, a Statue, with this Inscription, To Simon the holy God. Of his blasphemies Clemens Eusebius, and Irenaeus make mention. From this Simon, as from a Seminary of all Heresies proceeded by successions the monstrous Ophites, the filthy Gnosticks, the impious Valentinians, Cerdonians, Marcionists, Montanians, and many other Hereticks, lying against God for gain and vain glory, doing no good to men, but deceiving them, and drawing them into destruction and error, to whom they that give credit shall be confounded in the judgement of God. But of Magick I wrote whilest I was very yong three large books, which I called Of Occult Philosophy, in which what was then through the curiosity of my youth erroneous, I now being more advised, am willing to have retracted, by this recantation; I formerly spent much time and costs in these vanities. At last I grew so wise as to be able to disswade others from this destruction; For whosoever do not in the truth, nor in the power of God, but in the deceits of divels, according to the operation of wicked spirits presume to divine and prophesy, and practising through Magicall vanities, exorcismss, incantions and other demoniacall works