Page:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu/82

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increaſing into a roundneſs, and having horns that bend inwards. Cats alſo are Lunary, whoſe eyes become greater or leſs, according to the course of the Moon: and those things which are of like nature, as Menstruous blood, of which are made wonderfull and strange things by Magicians; The Civet-Cat also changing her sex, being obnoxious to divers Sorceries, and all Animals that live in water as well as on land: as Otters, and such as prey upon fish. Also all Monstrous beasts, such as without any manifest seed are equivocally generated, as Mice, which sometimes are generated by Coition, sometimes of the putrefaction of the Earth. Amongst fowle, Geese, Ducks, Didoppers, and all kind of watery fowl as prey upon fish, as the Heron, and those that are equivocally produced, as Wasps of the Carkases of horses: Bees of the putrefaction of Cows, small Flies of putrefied wine, and Betles of the flesh of Asses; but most Lunary of all is the two-horned Betle, horned after the manner of a Bull: which digs under Cow-dung, and there remaines for the space of twenty eight daies, in which time the Moon measures the whole Zodiack, and in the twenty ninth day, when it thinks there will be a conjunction of their brightness, it opens the dung and casts it into Water, from whence then come Betles. Amongst fish these are Lunary, Ælurus, whose eyes are changed according to the course of the Moon, and whatsoever observes the motion of the Moon, as the Tortoise, the Echeneis, Crabs, Oisters, Cockles, and Frogs.


What things are Saturnine, or under the power of Saturne.''

SAturnine things, amongſt Elements, are Earth, and alſo Water: amongſt humors, black Choller that is moiſt, as well natural, as adventitious, aduſt Choller is excepted. Amongſt taſts, ſoure, tart, and dead. Amongſt Metals, Lead, and Gold, by reaſon of its weight, and the golden Marcaſite. Amongſt ſtones, the Onix, the Ziazaa, the Camonius, the Saphir, the brown Jaſper, the Chalcedon, the Loadſtone, and all dark,
