Page:Three Young Ranchmen.djvu/248

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The Long Lost Found

Before leaving camp both Allen and Ike Watson saw to it that their weapons were in good condition and ready for immediate use.

"No tellin' what we may run up ag'inst," said the old hunter.

"Well, I am ready to fight, if it comes to that," returned Allen, grimly. "But I would rather take the enemy by surprise."

"Thet would be the best way, Allen. But fust we must locate thet cave."

The ride around the mountain was a rather trying one and from a gallop they had to slow down to a walk. In some spots the trail was much cut up and the mud was deep, while in others they had to pick their way over rocks which were as smooth as they were dangerous.

"Look thar," said Watson, as he paused on a spur of the rocks. "Thar's a tumble fer ye!"

He pointed to a canyon all of five hundred feet
