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As I'm a true keeper, I'll not be unjuſt,
Nor, for a gold ring, will I forfeit my truſt;
I'll bring you before him as ſure as a gun,
And there you shall anſwer for what you have done.
Thou art a bold féllow, King William reply'd;
Why, doſt thou not fee the ſtar at any ſide;
The foreſt is mine, I let thee to know,
Then what is the reaſon you threaten me so?

With that the bold keeper fell down on his knees,
A trembling fear his ſpirits did ſeize;
The picture of death did appear in his face,
He knew not at firſt the king was in place.
O pardon! O pardon! my ſovereign liege,
For your royal pardon I humbly beſeech,
Alas! my poor heart in my brean it is cold!
O let me not ſuffer for being ſo bold.

Get up, honeſt Keeper, and ſhake off thy fears,
In thee there is nothing of folly appears:
O that ev'ry one were as faithful as thee,
What a bleſt prince King William would be!
Becauſe I encourage fuch perſons as you,
I'll make you my ranger, and if that won't do,
I'll make thee a captain, by ſea or by land;
And high in my favour you ever ſhall ſtand.

The Keeper replied, My ſovereign Lord,

Sure I am not worthy of ſuch a reward;