Will ye gang down the water-ſide,
And ſee the waves ſae ſweetly glide,
Beneath the hazel ſpreading wide,
The ſun it ſhines ſu‘ clearly.— Caw, &c.
I was bred up at nae ſic ſchool,
My ſlepherd lad to play the fool,
And a‘ the day to ſit in dool,
And nae body to ſee me.— Caw the, &c.
Ye ſall get gowns and ribbons meet,
Ca'f-leather ſhoon upon your feet,
And in my arms ye’le lie and ſleep,
And ye ſall be my dearie O.— Caw, &c.
If ye'll but ſtand to what ye've ſaid,
I ſe gang wi‘ you my ſhepherd lad,
And you may row me in your plaid,
And I ſall be your dearie O.— Caw, &c.
While water wimples to the ſea,
While day blinks in the life ſae high,
Till clay-cauld death fall blin' my e'e.
Ye ſall be my dearie O.— Caw the, &c.
Falkirk— T. Johnston, Printer.—1816.