Page:Three excellent songs (1).pdf/3

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O mother you are cross,
as cross as cross you can be,
For then lives Peggy Patch,
she's twa years younger than me,
They had nae wealth of gear;
we hae as muckle as them,
And when they married were,
you never did them blame.

O how could I them blame,
when I the case did read,
For it was plainly seen
young Rodger had done the deed;
And if you be free of him.
as good-send you may be,
If you wed Andrew Carr,
you'll never get mair of me.

O mother, when you was young;
when you was young and braw,
You liked the lads as well
as ony of us a’;
So you may haud your tongue
for you I winna believe,
If you was as young again,
you would be like the lave.

Coming from the fair
the bonny bucksome loon.
He would come home with me,
and so the deed was done:
So he has done his worst,

and you can do no more,