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To a neighbouring village they then did repair,
Where a licence was bought, and they married were;
And now the two strangers in love both agree,
In a neat little cottage by a shady green tree.

No longer they wander in desarts alone,
In content they do live in their cottage at home.
The lark, thrush & linnet round their cottage do sing,
And both live as happy as a prince or a king.


Auld Watty o'Kebbuckstone brae,
Wi’ lear an’ readin’ o’ beuks auld-farren,
What think ye! the body cam’ owre the day,
An’ tauld us he's gaun to be married to Mirren;
We a’ gat a biddin
To gang to the Weddin’,
Baith Johnnie and Sauncy, & Nelly & Nanny;
An’ Tam o’ the knowes,
He swears, an’ he vows,
At the dancin’ he'll face to the bride wi’ his graunie.
A’ the lads hae trystet their joes,
Slee Willy cam’ up an’ ca’d on Nelly,
Altho’ she was hecht to Geordie Bowse,
She’s gi’en him the gunk, an’ fhe’s gaun wi’ Willy.