Page:Three excellent songs (1).pdf/8

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Wi' whiskin' an' fliskin',
An' reelin' an' wheelin',
The young anes are a' like to loup out o' the body;
An' Neillie M'Nairn,
Tho' fair forfairn,
He vows that he'll wallop twa sets wi' the howdie.
Sauney M'Nab, wi' his tartan treuse,
Has hecht to come down, in the midst o' the caper,
An gi'e us three wallops o' merry Shantrows,
To the true Highland fling o' Macrimmon the piper:
Sic hippin an' skippin',
An springin' an flingin',
I'se wad that there's nane o' the Lallands can waff it!
Feth! Willie maun fiddle,
An' jirguan and diddle,
An' screed till the sweat fa' in beads f ae his haffet.

Then gi'e me your han', my trusty gude frien !
An gi'e me your word my worthy auld kimmer
Ye'll baith come owre on Friday bedeen,
An join us in rantin an toomin the timmer,
Wi fouth o' gude liquor
We'll haud at the bickar,
An lang may the mailin o Kebbuckstone flourish,
For Watty's sae free.
Between you an' me,
I'se warrant he's bidden the ha f o' the parish.