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Here's fifty bright guineas my joy and delight,
If you will but let me lye with you all night.
The horns he may take for a venture at ſea,
And I'll uſe him kindly in every degree.

The ſight of the gold ſo tempted the dame,
That ſoon ſhe conſented to to play at the game;
The Captain he ſurely lay with her that night,
And paid her down fifty gold guineas ſo bright.

His bedfellow pleas'd him ſo well to the life,
He often carreſs'd her and left his own wife
At length the young ſailor did hear by the bye,
But he kept it as ſnug as a pig in a ſtye.

One day he reſolved to know what was done,
In the dark of the evening got into the room,
And under the bed he lay ſnug and warm,
She ſent for the Captain thinking no harm.

She ſays my dear jewel my husband's on board,
Says the Captain, I doubt it, ſhe ſays, on my word
He gave me a kiſs and bid me good night.
O, then ſays the Captain I'll enjoy my delight.

They ſtripp'd off their clothes and into bed goes
And ſoon they began to hoiſt up the clothes.
But the ſailor he grumbled being under the bed,
For to think how the Captain had horned his head.

But he lay on ſtill till they were faſt aſleep,
Then ſoftly from under the bed he did creep:
He takes up the Captain's lac'd breeches and coat,
His ſtockings, and ſhoes, for to make up a joke.