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When Phebus bright he ſhow‘d his light,
to the Boyn I took my way;
When careleſsly and childiſh,
Like an angler in the ſtream, my bait I threw,
When this lovely damſel appeared in my view.

In the cold ſhade of the harbour,
in the forenoon of the day,
This maid ſhe came a-bathing
to where I chanc‘d to ſtray;
When I ſaw this maid undreſſed,
my frame ſhe did confound.
That my line & hook went with the brook,
and never yet was found.

Then I approach‘d this damſel,
ſaying Marcoleſs queen of Troy,
Are you Venus or Diana,
the angler to decoy?
Or are you the morning ſtar
that riſes in the eaſt?
Or Luna bright, that rules the night
when lovers are at reſt?

In a tremor ſhe made anſwer,
Sir don‘t me tantalize,
I‘m none of theſe you mention,
your praiſes I deſpiſe;
I am a ſhepherd‘s daughter
come a-milking to the Boyn,