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Captain Glen's unhappy voyage to New Barbary.

THERE was a ſhip and a ſhip of fame,
Launch'd off the ſtocks bound to the main,
With an hundred and fifty birſk young men,
Were pick'd and choſen every one.
William Glen was our Captain's name,
He was a briſk and a tall young man,
As bold a ſailor as e'er went to ſea,
And he was bound for New Barbary.
The firſt of April we did ſet ſail,
Bleſt with a ſweet and pleaſant gale,
For we we were bound to New Barbary,
With all our whole ſhip's company.
We had not ſailed a day but two,
Till our whole ſhip's jovial crew,
They all fell ſick but ſixty-three,
As we went to New Barbary.
One night the captain he did dream;
There came a voice and ſaid to him,
Prepare you and your company,
To-morrow night you'll lodge with me.
This wak'd the captain in a fright,
Being the third watch of the night.
Then for his boatſwain he did call,
And toldto him his ſecrets all.