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The ſea did waſh both fore and aft,
Till ſcarce one ſoul on board was left,
Our yards were ſplit and our rgging tore,
The like was never ſeen before.
The boatſwain then he did declare,
The captain was a murderer,
Which did enrage the whole ſhip's crew,
Our captain over board we threw.
Our treacherous captain being gone,
Immediately there was a calm,
The winds did ceaſe and the raging ſea,
As we went to New Barbary.
Now when we came to the Spaniſh ſhore,
Our goodly ſhip for to repair,
The people were amaz'd to ſee,
Our difmal caſe and miſery.
But when our ſhip we did repair,
To fair England our courſe did ſteer,
And when we came to London town,
Our dismal caſe was then made known,
Now many wives their huſbands loſt,
Which they lamented to to their coſt,
And cauſed them to weep and cry,
Theſe tidings from New Barbary.
An hundred and fifty briſk young men,
Did to our goodly ſhip belong,
Of all our whole ſhip's company,
Our number was but ſeventy-three,