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It makes us bear affliction's ſtorms,
  And ilka joy it heightens
When lads an' laſſes chance to meet,
  At bridal, fair, or dancing,
The ſmile o' love is ne'er ſae ſweet,
  Till Nappy's well advancing.
But then ilk billy graſps his laſs,
  The pliable and grunting,
An' tooming out the tither glaſs,
  They're roaring an' they're ranting.
An' when the glow o' youth is gane,
  An' ſober ſenſe re-plac'd it,
In time o' need folk's unco fain,
  For friendly aid to taſe it.
An' winter gay wi' froſty ſcoul,
  An' ev'ry power diſtending,
Is melted by the kindly bowl,
  An' looks like ſimmer ſhining.
There's ſome will cant an' mak a wark,
  An' canna pree a drap o't;
But when alane, or in the dark,
  Can ſweetly toom a cap o't.
But we in love and friendſhip free,
  Will round the table hand it,
I'll drink to you, and you to me,
  As lang's we're fit to ſtand it.