Page:Three songs (3).pdf/4

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O who is the owner of this ſhip?
the rainbow ſhe did cry;
O hear I am ſays Captain Ward,
let no man me deny.
What brought you here you cowardly dog?
you lying wanton thief:
What makes you ly at anchor here,
and keep your king in grief.
You lie, you lie, ſaid Captain Ward,
ſo well as I hear you lie
I never robb'd an Engliſh man,
an Engliſhman but three
As for the worthy Scotsmen
I love them as my own.
My chief delight is for to pull
the French and Spaniards down.
Why ſayſt thou ſo thou bold robber?
well charg'd on every ſide;
And then they fir'd their great guns,
ſhe ſhot out of her pride.
Full fifty good braſs cannons
well charg'd on every ſide,
And then they fir'd their great guns,
and gave Ward a full broadſide.
Fire on fire on, ſays Captain Ward,
I value you not a pin;
If you be braſs on the ontſide,
I'm as good ſteel within.