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I wiſh I had you in Lancaſhire
To follow me through dub and mire,
Hats frae bonnets may yet retire,
And you ſhall never be my deary O.

The Highland Rover.

Loud blaw the froſty breezes,
the ſnaws the mountains cover,
Like winter on ſeizes,
Since my young Highland Rover
Far wanders nations over.
Where'er he go, where'er he ſtray,
may Heaven be his warden:
Return him ſafe to fair Strathſpey,
and bonny Caſtle Gordon.

The trees now naked groaning,
ſhall ſoon wi' leaves be hinging,
The birdies dowie moaning,
Shall a' be blythely ſinging,
And every flower be ſpringing.
Sae I'll rejoice the lee-lang day,
when by his mighty warden,
My youth's return'd to fair Strathſpey,
and bonny Caſtle Gordon.