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Page:Through Bolshevik Russia - Snowden - 1920.djvu/60

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Through Bolshevik Russia


  \relative g' { \time 4/4 \partial 4 \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical 
  g4 |
  c4. b8 d8[ c] g[ e] | a2 f4. a8 |
  d4. c8 b8. a16 g8[ f] | \autoBeamOff %end line 1 
  e2. g4 | c4. b8 d c g e | a2 f4 d'8 c |
  b4 b8. d16 f4 b,4 | c2. r4 | \break %end line 2
  \partial 4 e8 d | \autoBeamOn b4. b8 a[ b] c[ a] |
  b2 g4 fis8[ g] | \autoBeamOff
  a4. a8 d4. c8 | b2. d4 | %end line 3
  d4. b8 g g fis g | e'2 c8. c16 b4*1/2 a | b4 d c a | g2. r4 |%eol4
  \break \partial 4 e'8.(^\markup \caps "Chorus." d16) |
  c2 g4 e | a2 f4 d'8. c16 | b2 a4 gis |
  g2. g4 e'4. e8 d4 a4 | %end line 5
  c2 b4 b4 | a4. gis8 a4 d4 |
  d2. e8.( d16) | c2 g4 e | a2 f4 d'8[( c8)] | %end line 6
%last line of score brought back from next page to enable transclusion
  b4 b c d | e2. e4 | g4. g8 f4 e4 | d8([ c] d[ e]) f4 f |
  e4. c8 d4. b8 c2. r4 \bar "|." }
\addlyrics {
  A -- rise, ye starve -- lings, from your slum -- bers,
  A -- rise, ye crim -- i -- nals of want,
  For rea -- son in re -- volt now thun -- ders,
  And at last ends the age of cant.
  Now a -- way with all su -- per -- sti -- tions,
  Ser -- vile mass -- es, a -- rise! a -- rise!
  We'll change forth with the old con -- di -- tions,
  And spurn the dust to win the prize.
  Then, com -- rades, come ral -- ly, the last fight let us face,
  The In -- ter -- na -- tion -- al -- é,
  U -- nites the hu -- man race,
  Then, com -- rades, come ral -- ly,
  The last fight let us face,
  The In -- ter -- na -- tion -- al -- é,
  U -- nites the hu -- man race. }