Page:Through South Westland.djvu/325

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on Tom, with the Scorpion, looking full of mischief, behind.

Three of them crossed the river, but Mephibosheth elected to remain in mid-stream, and turning to escape, got his twenty-foot rope round a stone, and became anchored. Duncan’s temper had evidently been greatly tried: he made a dash into the water and began dragging the beast backwards with the rope between its legs; but it was too strong for him, and he had to let go, and off went Mephibosheth as fast as his crooked legs could carry him. A second pursuit on Tom followed, and he was secured this time. After all these excursions and alarms, we deemed it time to go home, feeling really grateful to Tom for his persistency in following us that day.

Arrived at the Old Homestead, I made tea for our Highlander, and regaled him on herrings and apricots; and then into an old sack we put various tins, plates, and oddments to take home, and bade him good-night, quite sorry to part, he promising to see us over the ford in the morning.

Our last night was celebrated by a great feast, after which Transome composed the following and nailed it up over the mantelpiece:


To all those who hereafter inhabit this dwelling, commonly called “The Cave of Æolus”:

Don't break up the house or furniture for firewood.