(To page xxiv)
[There is a second sherd bearing the name of Xanthippus, with his father's name half-written ((language characters)), found not on the Acropohs but on the road leading to the Piraeus (C. I A. iv. Suppl. iii. 571). The writer uses two forms of P.
On a fragment of the rim of a bowl, found, in Jan. 1897, N.W. of the Areopagus, are the words
The character of the writing does not enable us to decide whether the occasion was 483 B.C., when Aristides and not his opponent Themistocles was ostracized, or the actual ostracism of Themistocles about 471. The spelling (Greek characters) for (
Greek characters) occurs elsewhere in Attic inscriptions. (Mittheilungen des Deutsch. Arch. Inst., Athenische Abth. 22, 1897.)
A very curious epitaph in bad hexameters (C. I. A. ii.
1675; G, F. Hill, Sources for Greek History, b. c. 478-
431, iii. 206) records among other exploits of ' Pythion of Megara' that he 'saved three tribes of Athenians, bringing them from Pagae through Boeotia to Athens.' A note at the end adds (Greek characters)
Köhler, ' Hermes ' xxiv. (1889), sees in this an incident of the Megarian revolt of 446 (Thuc. i. 113), and is followed by Busolt, vol. iii. p. 426 fif. Seven tribes under Pericles— so they infer from the words — took part in the invasion of Euboea when it revolted, three remained behind and on the revolt of Megara threw themselves into the Megarid (Diodorus xii. 5 speaks of the Athenians sending an army