INSCRIPTIONS CV The epitaph is quite sufficiently accounted for if Pythion saved, not about a third of the Athenian army, but a few men of the garrison, forming the detachments from these tribes, who at the Megarian revolt escaped to Pegae. The inscription, whatever its historical worth, may be given, (with its lonicisms and metrical imperfections,) as a curious exception to the usual good taste of Greek epitaphs : Mi'TJ/i-a [to8' i(JT cJtti o-[w]|LiaTi K€i/jici'o[»'] dv8pos dpiaTO' Ilvdiuiv €y M€yapw[v] 8a([^]as €7rra /x[c]i/ avS/aas 'Etttoi Sk aTTopprjcras (i. e. airopp-j^as:) [Ajoy^a? e'l'i crw/xart iK€Ll'WV EiAcTO Tav aperav Tranpa cukXci^ojv ivi Sifxuii, Ofros avi]p OS £[o-]wio-ev 'AOqvaLwv rpes <f)vXa<: 'Ek Ilayav dyayojv 8ia Boiwtuiv es 'AO}jva<s, EvKXcio'e AvSoKtSav 8t(T;;^tA[t Jois di'SpaTroSotcrtv. Ou8eva Trrjfidva^ cTri^^ovtwv avOpo'jTrwv (!) Es Ai8a Karef^a 7rao"tv fiaKapicrrbs iSiaOai. $vXai oiS etcrtv navStovis Kc/cpoTrts 'AvTto;^i?.] VOL. I.
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