GEOGRAPHY Cxi is forty miles from Miletus. All the MSS. except the Vatican read "EAeor, a place which is otherwise unknown. Kipov is probably correct, and is confirmed by the close connexion which we find existing between Leros and Miletus in the tribute Usts (C. I. A. 37, 226, 251, 262, 264). The expression is natural enough for a writer who had in his mind not maps of the Aegean, but the actual voyage past Leros to Miletus. iii. 4 fin. wpfiovv Iv TTj MaAea, tt/io? (iopiav t^? ttoXcws (com- pare c. 6, 7repto/3/xto-u/x,ei'oi to tt/dos votov). But, according to Strabo, Malea was at the southern extremity of the island. It is possible however to take tt^os liopiav t?}? TroAeojs not with wpfxovv but with dTroo-reAAoucrt Tr/jecrySets Tpirfpu, referring to the Mytilenaeans, above. i. 61 med. d^iKo/xerot es Bepotav KaKiWiv €7rtcrTpet//avTe?. But Beroea was several days' march out of the road from Pydna to Potidaea ; nor could the Athenians possibly have reached Gigonus by alow marches three days after their departure from Beroea (Kar oXCyov hi TrpotoVrc? rpiraioi dffiiKovTo h Tiywvov). The generally received correction iirl %Tpil/av for im<TTpiil/avT€<; cannot be considered certain, and does not remove the difficulty about Beroea. We may also notice that where Thucydides evidently wants to express geographical ideas with precision, as in ii. 9 fin., vrjaoL oo-ai ivros IleAoTroi'i/r/crou kcu Kp?;Tr;s Trpos r/Aioi' dviaxovra, irdcrai ai uAAat KiJ/<AdSe? 7rAr)v Mr/Aou koL ®rjpas, or in the description of the island of Cythera, iv. 53 fin., Trao-a (i. e. either 7) vi/o-os or t} KaKwriKl-j) yap di'£;^€t Trpos TO '^iKcXiKov KoX KprjTLKov TTcAayos, he has caused a great deal of trouble to his interpreters There is a lesser degree of obscurity in the description of the country about Chimerium (i. 46 fin.), especially the words pci 8e koI 0ua/.its Trora/xo?, opi^wv rr]v ©ccTTrpwTtSa Kat KeoTpivr/i', wr lvTo<i rj aKpa di'e'€t to Xet/xeptov, where wv refers not to t^jv ©eo-TrpojTiSa koI K^a-TpLvrjv, but to
- [In ii. 9 the variations in the text give good ground for suspecting
a gloss.]