Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/126

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Il8 CONCLUSION OF THE TREATY y oaths, take honest counsel and alter the treaty in such manner as shall seem good to the two parties, the Athenians and Lacedaemonians.' 19 The treaty begins, at Lacedaemon in the Ephorate of Plcistolas, and on the twenty-seventh a ijica ion. ^^^ ^^ ^^^ month Artemisium, and at Athens in the Archonship of Alcaeus, on the twenty- fifth day of the month Elaphebolion ^ The following persons took the oaths and ratified the treaty :— On behalf of the Lacedaemonians, Pleistolas, Damagetus, Chionis, Metagenes, Acanthus, Daithus, Ischagoras, Philocharidas, Zeuxidas, Antippus, Tellis, Alcinidas, Empedias, Menas, Laphilus ; on behalf of the Athenians, Lampon, Isthmio- nicus, Nicias, Laches, Euthydemus, Procles, Pythodorus, Hagnon, Myrtilus, Thrasycles, Theagenes, Aristocrates, lolcius, Timocrates, Leon, Lamachus, Demosthenes. 20 This treaty was concluded at the end of winter, just at The war had lasted the beginning of spring, immediately almost exactly ten years, after the city Dionysia. Ten years, with a difference of a few days, had passed since the inva- sion of Attica and the commencement of the war. I would have a person reckon the actual periods of time, and n»t rely upon catalogues of the archons or other official per- sonages whose names may be used in different cities to mark the dates of past events. For whether an event occurred in the beginning, or in the middle, or whatever might be the exact point, of a magistrate's term of office is left uncertain by such a mode of reckoning. But if he measure by summers and winters as they are here set down, and count each summer and winter as a half year, he will find that ten summers and ten winters passed in the first part of the war. 21 The Lacedaemonians— for the lot having fallen upon them they had to make restitution first— immediately released their prisoners, and sending three envoys, Ischa- ' March — April.