Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/169

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74 ■76] THE CARNEA AGAIN l6l their whole force invaded the territory of Argos, expecting to find it deserted ; they killed many of the men who had been left to protect the country when the main army took the field **. After the battle three thousand Elean hoplites came to the aid of the Mantineans, and a second detachment of a thousand from Athens. While the Lace- daemonians were still celebrating the Carnea they marched all together against Epidaurus, and began to surround the city with a wall, dividing the task among them. The other allies did not persevere, but the Athenians soon completed their own portion, the fortification of the promontory on which the temple of Here stood. In this part of the works a garrison was left, to which all furnished a contingent ; they then returned to their several cities. So the summer ended. At the very beginning of the following winter, after the 76 celebration of the Carnea, the Lacedae- t, t j ' I he Laccdaeittoman monians led out an army as far as party at Argos, intend- Tegea, whence they sent proposals of '"^ '" P"^ ^^oivn the . .1 A • T^i 1 J democracy, make peace. peace to the Argives. 1 here had •^' ^ always been some partisans of Lacedaemon in the city, who had wanted to put down the democracy. After the battle it was far easier for this party to draw the people into an alliance with Sparta. Their intention was to make first of all a peace, and then an alliance, with the Lacedaemonians, and, having done so, to set upon the people. And now there arrived in Argos, Lichas the son of Arcesilaus, the proxenus of the Argives, offering them one of two alter- natives : There were terms of peace, but they might also have war if they pleased. A warm discussion ensued, for Alcibiades happened to be in the place. The party which had been intriguing for the Lacedaemonians, and had at last ventured to come forward openly, persuaded the Argives to accept the terms of peace, which were as follows : — " Reading i^fXOovrmv avrOiv.