Page:Thucydides, translated into English Vol 2.djvu/171

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77- .79] TREATY OF ALLIANCE 163 agreement to their allies and make terms with them , but if the allies raise any objection, they shall dismiss them to their homes.* When the Argives had accepted these propositions in 78 the first instance, the Lacedaemonian j.,^^ aiUame of Ar- army returned home from Tegea. The gos ivith MmUmca, two states now began to hold inter- Atht»s, and EUs is ... ,, J , , dissolved. course with one another, and not long afterwards the same party which had negotiated the treaty contrived that the Argives should renounce their alliance with Mantinca, Athens, and Elis, and make a new treaty of alliance with Lacedaemon on the following terms : — ' It seems good to the Lacedaemonians and to the 79 Argives to make peace and alliance j,^^ /^^,„^. ^^ ^,^^ for fifty years on the following COndi- second treaty include an tions * alliance which extends , , ^, , ,, 1 •, , 1 -i x- to allthe Peloponnesian L They shall submit to arbitration ^.^.^^^ ^.^^ j^^jj^^ ^,.^. on fair and equal terms, according to visions for their indc- their ancestral customs. pendeme and, in case of / T T -r-> .1 •■• rT-« 1 dispute, for arbitration. ML The Other Cities of Peloponnesus ' shall participate in the peace and alliance, and shall be independent and their own masters, retaining their own territory and submitting to arbitration on fair and equal terms, according to their ancestral customs. 'IIL All the allies of the Lacedaemonians outside Pelo- ponnesus shall share in the same terms as the Lacedae- monians, and the allies of the Argives shall be in the same position as the Argives, and shall retain their present territory. 'IV. If it shall be necessary to make an expedition in common against any place, the Lacedaemonians and the Argives shall consult together and fix the share in the war which may be equitably borne by the allies. ment to their allies before they conclude it, in case they are willing to come into it.'